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UK Wind Stats
justal - 7-5-2003 at 06:00

I was just wondering what the UK wind stats would be if recorded for a windsurf holiday brochure.

i.e. The percentage of days each month when the wind reaches at least Force 4.

I realise it wouldn't be very consistent each year, but we probably don't do too badly really. (I know that it has reached Force 4 here everyday for the last few weeks at least anyway).

Anyone know if there is anywhere online where this info is presented? Or is it a case of trawling though the records from the weather bouys / stations and working it out for yourself??


justal - 8-5-2003 at 06:17

I had a look around and couldn't find any historical data fromthe weather bouys / stations nearby.... I'm sure its out there somewhere.

I might even start recording it myself just out of interest. I'll base it on the readings from the Aberporth Bouy and the weather station at Valley, along with measurements taken on the ground here, and see how many days each month we get with winds of Force 4 for at least 2 hours during daylight hours.
I'll also record the days that we get Force 5 or above as I don't really go windsurfing until it gets to a Force 5.


ajdesq - 9-5-2003 at 11:09


It¥s a bit patchy for the UK, but once you¥ve selected your location from the map, click on ¥statistik¥ from the left hand menu. Not all spots have stats, but it¥s a start.

IainO - 13-5-2003 at 20:49

Lived in Rhosneigr from 95 to 97 and counted up 180 days sailing in F4+ over a 12 month period from may 96 to may 97. When take out the summer and mid winter anticyclones, that's pretty good odds. But these figures pale into insignificance when I see how many times Justal seems to get on the water, Borth seems to be the wind capital of Wales

justal - 13-5-2003 at 20:56

180 days in a year is pretty good going!!

It has been pretty good here recently, but I'm sure it can't last forever, especially with summer on its way. In actual fact, the next few days don't look that good windwise, so my run of session may come to an end. I could probably do with the rest anyway, and my bank balance could do with me doing some work... Mind you, I guess if it makes it to a Force 4 I could try to improve my kitesurfing.


Dave - 15-5-2003 at 16:52

Borth is pretty windy, but Al also has the advantage of being able to drop everything and run for the beach. The rest of us have got something wrong somewhere.

I reckon I should go back and sort out my Careers advisor

justal - 15-5-2003 at 21:10

Maybe thats where I went RIGHT.... I've never seen a 'careers advisor' in my life.... Except maybe the girls at the job centre when I was doing my best to avoid getting a career!!!

They never did find me a job as a Carbonate Sedimentologist within a 10 mile radius of Borth!!!
