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Peter Hart Clinics
Dave - 15-5-2003 at 16:59

On 10/5/03 9:27 pm, "Sarah" wrote:


I picked up your email address from Windsurf Mag and wondered if you might be running any clinics which would be suitable for us.

My husband and I have been windsurfing for quite a while and are comfortable in harness and footstraps but would really like to crack waterstarting (we've both done a couple but more by luck than judgement). We are also working towards carve gybing and would appreciate any help in that area.


"Peter" wrote:
Dear Sarah

Thanks very much for the mail.

I??ve put you on my email newsletter list so you??ll receive dates and details of courses well before they??re advertised in the magazines. My general minimum standard for courses is to be able to sail in the harness and straps on a board of 120 litres or less and be able to waterstart (a bit higher for wave sailing courses). However at certain venues I can bend the rules a bit on that. Places like Margerita, Tobago and Egypt all have nice, shallow shelving beaches perfect for waterstarting and first carve gybes. But I need to be confident that you can get back to where you started from - somehow!

My remaining clinics for 2003 are all quite advanced wave clinics but there??s a chance I may do a week in Dahab in Egypt in early November -; a decision will be made in July.
Political coups and uncertain air travel has made me delay the finalisation of my 2004 schedule but the winter is likely to include trips to NZ, Barbados, Margerita and Egypt.

As from next week, I shall be in the UK for most of the summer so feel free to mail or ring if you have any specific queries about the venues or what the clinics involve.

Best wishes

If you are interested I post further info when I get it.

brundlefly - 16-5-2003 at 17:26

Sounds like Sarah`s got to go else where to learn her waterstarts!.Love the B.A Hons. bit though.

SeanBo - 16-5-2003 at 22:19


This is a huge surprise! I went on a Guy Cribb day last year and he was happy to help anyone on his course. There was one person who had been windsurfing for 1 week and he managed to get them into a harness and footsraps

OK this was probably exceptional, but I got the impression he would be happy to teach anyone anything. When he asked me my goal for the day I said 'survival' (it was gusting forse 9 and it was only the second time I had sailed a board with less than 188L of volume:blush - He then gave me loads of encouragement and made me try more than I had ever tried in a forse 2.

Respect to Peter Hart, he has the talent, but what about the 'average' windsurfer......?......I guess I will be going back to Guy Cribb even though I can waterstart now!

Dave - 20-5-2003 at 18:31

I think you are being a little harsh....

I had a day with Gribby (via Boardwise) and he talked through harness technique and carve gybing. He was excellent, and very entusiastic..... I liked his style.

But if I am planning a winter break I would like someone to explain where I need to go to find the right conditions for my level. It's more than just a day trip.

I thought it was good of him to explain what was required . Also worth looking into what Guy Cribb is doing this winter.

Whatever it is you want to learn, it's best to be in a group you can compete with. I can't see the point of turning up to find I'm out of my depth, or indeed beyond the syllabus.

[Edited on 20-5-2003 by Dave]

SeanBo - 21-5-2003 at 12:31

In hindsight maybe the issue is actually based on 1 day V a holiday.

I guess on a day course you have to take whatever wind/conditions you can get (no-where is guarateed )and the same probably applies to the student/sylabus thing.

However, on a weeks holiday you will be improving the chances of getting 'ideal' wind for the sylabus and therfore narrowing the type of student you can help.

I just read it that Peter Hart would not teach you if you could not waterstart, but maybe that was only relavent for that holiday

Either way, I can't do a day or a week this year