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Sailing at Fairborne
IainO - 29-5-2003 at 20:33

I'm down at Fairborne, in June, on one of these tree hugging personal development courses

I was hoping to take some windsurfing kit with me just in case I can slip away. Having read the report on the site I was wondering what sort of kit to take? I was planning to just bring my wave board and 4 sails (6.2 - 4.0) but will this be enough . Any local advice much appreciated, cheers

IainW - 29-5-2003 at 22:51

The one thing about this place is that you do not have to carry your kit tot far to the beach - especially at high tide.

SW are generally across on shore, but the thing to remember is too park your car by the slip road- allot nicer on your feet!!

[Edited on 29-5-2003 by IainW]