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A few book/magazine/video reviews
mexican bandit - 12-8-2003 at 19:11

As I've commented to Justal on the Site Feedback Forum: It would be good to have some sort of review of surfing related literature and videos on the site.

As he's living in a van and updating the site is not the easiest thing and it's good to have everyone’s input, so I proposed writing some book reviews and posting them on the forum.

The next few messages will be just that, a few book reviews. If you've used one of the guides or read one of the books and have a few minutes to spare, then reply to the threads. This way other surfers can benefit from your wisdom, will spend less money on crappy guides and more on good boards and trips down the pub

Hey, who knows, maybe the Stormrider guides are not as accurate as people say they are

Mexican Bandit

justal - 13-8-2003 at 06:26

Good work with the reviews so far Mex..

It'll be good to see how they go actually as it will give me a few extras ideas for when I get the chance to build a 'proper' system for the reviews.

Keep it up, and lets hope others post some book / video / DVD reviews etc too.

Nice one.
