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goat boating
leeb - 19-11-2003 at 13:26

i was at woolocombe in my kayak last week 10 nov .and took a beating in some monster piles! were was every one else it was big clean and fast so where were all you hard core surfer or are there only two of you! only kidding it was hoofin were you there if you were i love to here bout it

Thodd - 19-11-2003 at 16:03

I was in Saunton on the 9th, there were some great clean lines!
It started pretty small but by the late afternoon it had grown to above head height!

I had some great rides on my board carving up and down.......... only problem was that it was heaving with people! So many of them jumped on the wave I was riding...... actually come to think of it I was nearly run over by a Kayak at one point that came out of nowhere... was that you leeb?

justal - 19-11-2003 at 17:21

You guys should start recording your sessions in the diaries on this site... We don't get enough entries from the N.Devon / Cornwall area.


Thodd - 20-11-2003 at 13:42

I just done it now justal!!!
I've filled in a couple of sessions I've had this month!
It'll be great to look back at all my sessions later next year and relive fond memories...(and painful ones
Looks like your going to be stuck with me for a while now!

mrttz - 28-11-2003 at 15:24

i have returned as Mrttz! im actually leeb the guy at the top but i havent a clue what my password was and the one this site sent wasnt right either any wayz i iz back!

Thodd mate rest assured that it wansnt me that tried to force some designer plastive head gear on ya! but i do know the clowns that were on that beach and it dosnt suprise me one bit!
justal i'll record my next sesh down if im ever allowed to escape to the westcountry( woman hates me dissapering into the woods getting drunk and playing with fat birds!) some my time on the water is limited, have you got any where on here for river running coz that'd be helpfull seeing as im up here in sunny london!


justal - 28-11-2003 at 17:58

Mrttz / Leeb...

First up, the password the site sent you (as leeb) wouldn't have been your old password as its impossible to retrieve that due to the fact that its stored in the database in encrypted format... It would have made up a new one for you that should work, and once logged in you can then change your password by going to 'Edit Profile' within the your 'Control Panel'.

Not that it matters as you are now here as mrttz!!

As far as River Running is concerned, I'm assuming you mean in a kayak, so it can be classed as Kayaking, as there is a category for that... Although I've just noticed it has a typo as it says 'Kayayking'.... Oops.
