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RobbieC - 27-2-2004 at 00:53

Hi i'm rob c. Got told about this by my mate rob r after he met Al down at Borth. I'm currently studying at Aberystwyth uni and go down Borth quite a bit... Nice to meet you all!

justal - 27-2-2004 at 06:36

Hi Rob C... I take it you kite and mt. board as well??.... we're gonna have to encourage you guys to get in the water this year. Theres no point living this close to the sea if you don't make use of it....


rob - 27-2-2004 at 10:53

im sure there'll be plenty of body dragging going on, maybe not so much kitesurfing! just waiting for it to w-w-w-warm up a bit - or at least until i can afford a decent wetsuit!