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New Member
Hans@BW - 1-5-2004 at 03:17

Hi all,

Just joined - cool site!!! seems like a good way to get the most out of the sport that I have such a passion for. I have recently started working for Mr Gregorelli @ Boardwise and this has just boosted my enthusiam (spell check needed) for the sport. Hope to see some of you on the beach sometime soon.... roll on the windy / sunny weather.


justal - 1-5-2004 at 05:28

Welcome.... Glad you like the site, it certainly takes up enough of my time and money keeping it running, so its good to hear that people enjoy it.

Let us know when you'll be coming to the beach... As soon as there is some wind forecast and Ian give gives you some time off I guess!


P.S. theres another 's' in enthusiasm!!