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Move to sunny Fuerteventura
idelasi - 20-5-2004 at 18:29

Hello anybody out there? I used to live in London (for 8 years...easier to say than to do) now back to the Canaries (my home land). To Fuerteventura, considering myself a soulsurfer I one day thought were do I want to live .It have to be sunny, warm, and close to a sea that give good waves here I am, and this is more than just a European Hawaii, the people here are gentle and the land is amazingly beautifull...I bought myself a beautifull house (that I am letting out to water boys and girls) and surf everyday (if I can).
So if you think about a sunny break and you surf-winsurf- kitesurf do enjoy climbing volcanoes, mountainbyking, fishing or just want to rest and enjoy a quiet and restful?? Send us a mail

rob - 20-5-2004 at 21:20

i'm sure i could round up a few friends to do an all expenses paid review of the place for you if you want an unbiased opinion? of course we'd need the place for the whole of the summer to get a balanced opinion...