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eolis - 7-11-2005 at 22:00

Hello people, I'm from Portugal and I kitesurf and Windsurf. I like all kind of water and windsports... although I've tryed few of them.
Do you know Algarve? in Portugal?


Come and visit us in Portugal or pic at

[Edited on 7-11-2005 by eolis]

eolis - 7-11-2005 at 22:15

Hello again to invite you to be a member of our "friendship" telling us on the map, where you like most to practice...
Go to our website and click map
See you there!

jon d hat - 11-11-2005 at 21:08

Hola eolis

Good to have our European brethren on side. Your English is brilliant. I cant speek portugese but can speek some spanish.

Of course we know where the Algarve is! Its where our hooligan friternity go to turn in to lobsters and make us decent folk look like assholes to the rest of the world!!

Fortunately, some of us have manners and culture.

So welcome bro and posibly one day our paths will cross in sunnier climes

eolis - 16-11-2005 at 21:13

Ol?° jon d hat,

Thanks for your compliment!! I've learnt english for several years at the British Council in Lisbon.
Have you ever been to Portugal? To Tavira?
Where are you from?
Hope to see you to these parts some day!!!
Let me invite you to drop your message in eolis map of friends, telling all of us where do you like most Kitting!!