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Lunar Eclipse
justal - 4-3-2007 at 07:05

Anyone else see the lUnar Eclipse last night...

It was pretty clear and pretty cool to see. Getting photos of it with my digital camera was pretty much impossible though as there just wasn't enough light for the camera to register and therefore display on the LCD screens... A 'proper' SLR where you actually look through the lens rather than at a screen was needed. I did get a few as the eclipse started though.


Dandine - 4-3-2007 at 08:38

Yep, beautiful clear skies in Worcester. Ideal for the lunar eclipse. Rather have seen it in dovey though.

shem - 4-3-2007 at 10:07

Yip, sat in the jacuzi after the pub watching it, epic.

carlessd - 4-3-2007 at 15:56


there ya go al.

justal - 5-3-2007 at 16:17

This was about the best I could manage.