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many thanks to you guys at Borth Sands
peteruk65 - 23-2-2008 at 21:17

Hello all,
I would like to pass on my great thanks to the guys who helped me out at Borth Sands today. I'm the guy with the Cabrinha 12m who nearly killed himself and his wife today. Didn't get any names other than Johnny the hat!!!! I'll be contacting Shem very soon to arrange some lessons!! Thanks to John for his advice too.
Again many thanks for your assistance and help. I'll bring the L plates next time!!Regards Peter and Gill.

dunk - 23-2-2008 at 21:44

Hey Peter

No worries dude, I was the guy holding on to you.

Glad to see your still ok.

Get yourself a lesson with Shem, and get a kite with a safety system that you know works. Things have come a long way in the last few years.

We'll all help you out on the beach.

You'll be rippin with the rest of us soon enough.


REECEY - 23-2-2008 at 22:30

I'm still VERY much a novice on the water and the reason i keep going back to Borth is becouse i feel safe there. Hopefully Peteruk65 We'll both soon be rippin it with them.

peteruk65 - 24-2-2008 at 13:39

Thanks Dunk, next time I see you at Borth I will at least have the lines on right!!! lol
(I know I can laugh about it now, but realise how stupid and dangerous it was and could have been)

Cheers Peter

peteruk65 - 24-2-2008 at 13:43

Hey Reecey,
Long time no speak. I got a bit side tracked with work and moving house last year to get up to the airfield.

Hopefully i will be in touch soon and meet you and some of the guys up there. Will drop a note on Telfordkiteflyers site.

Cheers Peter

REECEY - 24-2-2008 at 20:49

Hi Pete, it's just dawned on me who you are. Met up today at BRS with Howler & spana. OK session. Next time you go to Borth let me know & we can meet up.

Kitefish - 24-2-2008 at 21:34


Very similar thing happened to me nearly four years ago with my Storm II 14m, the same guys sorted me out too. Now they are the best freinds I have and we all look out for each other.
Borth and Ynyslas is one of the most freindliest and safest beaches you will kite on. I'm glad to see it does not appear to have put you off, welcome to the Borth Massif

Loxley - 25-2-2008 at 09:22

Second and third Fish's comment from me too. The Borth Massif are a great crowd to be with. Never a bad word, only a sarky one to say about anyone. I take it the incident happened after I had left.
Still, dont let it put you off, but sort out those lessons from Shem.

peteruk65 - 25-2-2008 at 19:56

Hi Guys,
Looks like we'll be up at Borth this coming saturday, weather looks much the same as last saturday so I'll be flying the yellow Beamer 4m and practising the art of "arse over tit" land boarding. lol Some of you saw how well I scud??? not!!

For some reason I've got my hands on a Switchblade 06 7 meter, is it worth me bringing it on saturday and flying it as the wind looks well under 12 ?

I won't mention the brand new Cabrihna 15.5 black tip i have at home...its staying put for now lol


REECEY - 25-2-2008 at 20:09

Pete, if the weather looks OK,i'll be at Borth on Sunday.

dunk - 26-2-2008 at 13:21

Correct me if I'm wrong anyone, but I think the older Cabrihna's (black tips) are projected measurements?


I think you shouldbe ok to try your swichblade, if its not too windy. Just ask someone if you've rigged it right and to watch over you.

I won't be around this weekend, but be safe and have fun.

peteruk65 - 26-2-2008 at 14:06

Thanks Dunk,
I will be learning form my mistakes of last weekend.

Some advise please.
I've been looking around for a kite to suit someone my size, 6'3" and almost 17 stone. Should I try a 12m or downsize to 10m to learn on. High/moderate aspect???

I'm intending to buy an old one to learn on, 2002/03 maybe. I've seen loads, Airush, RRD, Best etc all seem great kites with differing reviews. I guess the difference is seen at top end surfing?

Given a typical british day of 12-25 knots? what would anyone suggest I get for learning on please?


dunk - 26-2-2008 at 14:29


I've sent you a u2u


Dandine - 26-2-2008 at 18:28

Second that about the Borth Massif. Neil saved the RNLI job the other week and dragging me to shore. That tide is immense. Buying a new kite is always a minefield. Listen to people you know and trust, reviews are terrible mate, never anything bad said. Their all in the pockets of the advertiser. I had one unnamed kiteworld tester tell me to get shot of my Slingshot Link's when I was away on holiday only to see him give it a great review the following month

peteruk65 - 26-2-2008 at 20:24

Hi Dandine,
Oh i always take the reviews with a pinch of salt, just a way of seeing what's what!!!
To be honest I think any kite of a given size , within reason will do for me, I just want to know I've spent my money wisely. Dunk has given me some good advice.
Like getting from A to B, I don't want to buy a porsche when a Ford will do lol

Pluto - 4-3-2008 at 22:08

Peter, if you can try and buy something a bit newer. There are some huge advances in the newer kites, especially those 2004 and after. I'm sure Dunk has given you some good advice, as will anyone else around here - don't get sold something - make sure you get some sound advice first - and lessons by the sound of it!!

Good luck - see you on the beach