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Borth Weekend 17th and 18th
Joe - 12-5-2003 at 15:54

Hi everyone,

what's happening in Borth this weekend? If the conditions look good I'll be there. I know it is a bit early to predict but keep the fingers crossed and hopefully we'll meet there to get stoked!
Anyone else in the area then?



justal - 12-5-2003 at 19:10

I reckon I could make it to Borth for the weekend!!!

Looks like there could be some wind as well, but who knows.

It doesn't seem to have stopped blowing here for weeks. Its a good 20 knots out there again at the moment. Is there wind elsewhere??


justal - 13-5-2003 at 06:35

When do you reckon you'll be arriving Joe? Will it be a family outing?

Once again its blowing a hoolie here this morning, but my van seems to have acquired a couple of punctures so I have to sort that out before I can do anything else today... Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze a quick sail in at some point though, but it means the day will be a write-off as far as earning any money goes.

Ho Hum.


Joe - 15-5-2003 at 15:15

Concerning my arrival I would say it all depends on the wind. As far as the forecasts today go it seems like Sunday will be better than Saturday. As far as the family goes, we will have to see what the weather really is like. Remember, Al, for non-wind surfers wind is not the only weather phenomenon!

Hope to see a few of you folkes on the weekend.


Joe - 17-5-2003 at 08:22

Hi everyone,

the thread for Borth seems to have gone a bit quiet lately. Is anyone besides me and Al going to be there on Sunday? I suppose I will arrive at around noon or so.
The wind is supposed to reach flat force 5 coming from the SW. Ideal conditions, really.

See you then.


justal - 17-5-2003 at 14:48

Steve and Dazzamuffin are already here, as are Dave and Sarah!!!

And the wind is picking up.


zebedee - 19-5-2003 at 14:37

How was it then - I only got out at the local reservoir (Birmingham) but was knacked after an hour and a bit - need to get back into it as that was the first time proper this year <ducks for cover>

Joe - 19-5-2003 at 15:00

It was excellent!!
See the diary for more details.
