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A word of warning!
justal - 17-2-2008 at 15:43

Just thought everyone here should try to discourage Dandine from getting his new bike.. he went out yesterday with Shem and had a bit of a nightmare due to a puncture...

Jon, Spooks and I went for a ride with him today.... 4 punctures later and we finally made it back to the cars. How does one man get so many punctures.

Just a word of warning, if you go for a cycle with him, take plenty of spares and expect lots of little rests while you watch him fixing his bike!!

Couldn't have had better weather for a ride in the hills today though and I had planned to take it easy so all of the unplanned rest stops were fine.

4 punctures!!!!


Fart Boy - 17-2-2008 at 16:21

Sounds like he is as entertaining on two wheels as he is on a kite board! What are his dismounts like as they are something to behold on a kiteboard!!

shem - 17-2-2008 at 16:39

I thought he was joking when he told me! Did he check for thorns stuck through the tyres??

nick-r - 17-2-2008 at 17:04

how about his tyre pressure?. not enough psi will snakebit the tube on rocky terrain.

justal - 17-2-2008 at 17:29

Tyre pressure was OK and he was checking for thorns etc. so I'm not sure what was going on... Both front and back tyres too!


shem - 17-2-2008 at 17:41


kelvin - 17-2-2008 at 17:48

what the "style" like when riding ?
if you slam your wheels into everything then you will be forever doing snake bikes !

nick-r - 17-2-2008 at 18:16

could just have been bad luck and coincidence...but if he was the only one getting punctures, then it more than likey is something to do with the bike...old tyres, wrong pressure, loose spokes, thorn hidden in the tyre carcase, pinchng after putting the tyre back on..i can't think of any other mechnical problem that could be the cause....avoiding the really sharp/pointed rocks is essential for avoiding punctures.

[Edited on 17-2-2008 by nick-r]

justal - 17-2-2008 at 18:29

Well, the last of his punctures was definitely caused by a thorn as we pulled it whilst putting a patch on the inner tube.

Not sure about the others, but the tyres seem fine, certainly not old as it was a demo bike from a shop and they were at the right pressure. Just one of those things I guess, but it was quite funny. Although I think Dan was getting a little fed up with it come the end!


Dandine - 17-2-2008 at 18:40

First and foremost I would like to thank the boy's (Al, Jon d hat, Shem and Spooker) for giving their time to show me the ropes and lending me numerous spares ( I believe i owe spooker an innertube for a john deere tractor). I don't think i could have picked a better weekend to test MB'ing out. Loved it and will be buying a bike, with plenty of spares. The puncture business was beyond ridiculous, First one was a 2inch knife shaped piece of slate which tore a huge gash in the tyre as well, two were thorns and one was a complete mystery. We checked the tyre's every time and found the thorns so i guess it was pure bad luck on my part. Personally I don't think the tyre's were up to the job, but what would i know.......

See you boy's again when the wind is not playing ball.

Who made it first to the top of the mountain again?

Dandine - 17-2-2008 at 20:17

A big cheers to neil for saving the RNLI a job on saturday afternoon

jon d hat - 17-2-2008 at 21:08

Originally posted by Dandine

Who made it first to the top of the mountain again?

Yes Dan.. I was well surprised.. It's usually the mountain goat (Al) 1st to the top like a rat up a drainpipe.. On this occasion you put us all to shame, I couldnt work out whether it was the buz of having such a top bit of kit to play with or whether you were just tryin to get to the top befor you tyres went flat again...Either way, good to have you allong..look forward to the next round..PS Chain reaction do bulk deals on inner tubes..LMAO

jon d hat - 17-2-2008 at 21:16

Oh yeh, meant to mention that there is nowt wrong with those tyres.. I use v similar (Specialized Rezolution) and only had 2 punctures in 10 mths.. one of those was due to me slicing the tyre wall on a piece of slate..Think you've probably had this years worth now

nick-r - 18-2-2008 at 07:52

do they do mousses for MTB yet...?

inner tube replacement.....