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wahoo winds back for saturday
mNeil - 25-11-2009 at 08:32

keep your fingers crossed its back and looking good!!!!

dunk - 25-11-2009 at 13:34


Haven't you noticed, its been Nukin for a couple of weeks??

Spooker - 25-11-2009 at 14:56

looking good thursday and friday with wind fading by saturday, so think I'll use whats left of my freedom and return to the beach!

dunk - 25-11-2009 at 15:24

Still injured, ribs are killing me!

mNeil - 25-11-2009 at 19:35

"still injured"
whats up Dunk?

Spooker - 25-11-2009 at 21:58

Hey Dunk - as you seem to have an empathy with snakes - was it a boa constrictor that took a fancy to you this time?

Graham - 25-11-2009 at 23:51

Spooks, did I miss the announcement of your engagement???

justal - 26-11-2009 at 08:42

Sunday looks OK at the mo now as well.


Spooker - 26-11-2009 at 17:50

Not as bad as that Graham!

Just got a job thats all

col123 - 26-11-2009 at 20:37

got a job ..

.ohh great can i have fries with mine, and one of those happy meals

Spooker - 27-11-2009 at 09:33

quite sophisticated humour for you Col - have a bronze star!

bucski - 27-11-2009 at 12:27

New job eh spooks? Don't forget to hold the lollipop up nice and high when the kids are crossing the road.

Spooker - 27-11-2009 at 13:03


And that last comment comes from an individual who smacks little boy's legs for a living - and has to fit THAT in between his 14 weeks holiday a year!!

mNeil - 27-11-2009 at 16:44

Spooks you can't say that! one is not allowed to touch a child these days never mind belting them around the head when they deserve it etc

bucski - 27-11-2009 at 19:11

I've smacked a few women in my time but that's another story

shem - 28-11-2009 at 09:58

5 knots gusting to ten at the mo