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dbinit - 20-1-2010 at 11:09

First of all , i suck at writing this kinda stuff , so please excuse me....

Few of us kitesurfers have been affected by the disaster in Haiti , but the pictures are pretty shocking to say the least, and it would be difficult for any of us to imagine such an impact on our own life.

To bring it a little closer to home , i am lucky enough to have a home in cabarete , which is on the same island as Haiti and it is home to many kitesurfers and of course a holiday destination for many of us kitesurfers. I spoke with a few of the guys (some of them kitesurfers) who live there , and they all felt the earth quake and htere where a few minor injurys. They told me they felt extremely lucky as had the earth quake been just a short distance closer to cabarete , it could have been them in the disaster zone. I was myself hoping to be out in cabarete around that time too , but as luck would have it , something else came up.

Anyways , this brought it home to me and made the whole thing a little scarier.

Toaday I received an email from Paypal this morning , offering the chance to donate , via oxfam. I as glad to do so. I made a little extra effort and called round our office and a few family memebers and got the amount up a bit more .I also asked my dad that if he minded me donating the £20 i borrowed off him last night. I was pretty pleased with getting a few extra pounds in the pot for just 10 minutes effort.

I have copied the link below , and if anyone reading this has a few extra pounds in their paypal account I am sure it would go a long way to helping out in Haiti. And who knows , if maybe one day you find yourself in a disaster zone , you ,ight benefit from someone else generosity too. And if not , you can be content knowing you've helped someone else out.

justal - 20-1-2010 at 11:25

I've removed the link above as I wasn't 100% sure where it went, but if you want to donate then do it direct through Oxfam here:

dbinit - 25-1-2010 at 20:28
