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New or Second Hand Kite for Beginner ?
Jackbeag - 31-7-2010 at 09:54


About to take the plunge ( many plunges I'd say !), have had the lessons and now need to buy the gear, get out on the water and embarass my kidz. Should I buy a new or SH kite ? Some people say that a beginners will trash a new kite, other say that it is better to go with a new kite. Any advice

bucski - 31-7-2010 at 16:38

I'd def go second hand, 3 reasons, one you may trash it, two it's a whole lot cheaper and three you won't be sure exactly what you want in a kite. New kites are very pricey whereas a 2/3 year old kite can be had for a snip

Jackbeag - 1-8-2010 at 12:06

Thanks Bucski - 3 solid reasons to consider SH.