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SeanBo - 14-11-2003 at 18:20

Any opinions on the Radsail range.

I am thinking of getting a kite for those days when I can't get to the water to windsurf and maybe something that will take me into Kite-Boarding.

A 3M Radsail looks like a very cheap option. Cheap always has a compromise attached, but I am trying to understand what that compromise is as I may be happy with it!

The Radsail can be flown as a 2 line or 4 line kite and is about 1/3 of the price of the next option. The 3M would suit me as a 'big chap' and give me a good potential start for the kite boarding.

Anyone got one? anyone got any opinions (good or bad?). Anyone suggest any alternatives?

Ta in advance


PS - Wind is rocking here at the mo! Wish I could get out!

shem - 14-11-2003 at 18:35

Rad sails are a great cheap option, but its well worth your while spending a little more and buying the "Rad sail pro". Ive flown both, and am a kite instructor. For a 3 meter kite the 3 is well powerfull, the rad sail pro 4 meter, is a much better kite. a lot more solid. They like being flown off 4 lines, and arent great on 2.

If you wanted to spend more the "wind wing" is a great kite, flown off 2 lines on a bar and 4 lines off handles. With a bar its an amazing mountain board kite.Its designed 4 snow kiting and mountain boarding.

Hope thats some help.

SeanBo - 14-11-2003 at 20:22

Great answer, thanks.

I am not sure if I have to have a kite that can be flown on two or four lines, but I guess if I want to progress to moutain boarding then I need a kite that can be flown on two lines?

Anyone else have any comments?

[Edited on 15-11-2003 by SeanBo]

mexican bandit - 18-11-2003 at 08:14

Most four line kites can be flown on two (three if you tie the brake lines into a de-power system), it's just that you lose manoeuvrability, turning becomes slower. Check out Al’s cross-over system attached to a waterfoil, somewhere on his personal toy box, one way of reducing the effect of using two lines.

Personally I don’t like the way the radsails fly. If you want to try out a better kite for the same amount, buy a second hand one from the for sale pages or E-bay. A flexifoil blade or an ozone razor will be much better.

SeanBo - 18-11-2003 at 09:47


I have scanned the e-bay stuff a couple of times, but never spoted any Blades that come close on price. I will have another look later and maybe check out the Razor as well.

Can anyone else add to the list of second hand kites to look for?

