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More snow tomorrow
rob - 2-3-2006 at 17:53

the bbc are forecasting HEAVY snow for tomorrow, so far they've only predicted light snow for the last week. maybe this is a good sign, 2 foot of powder 2moro to go and carve up!

it'd be rude not to go out again 2moro afternoon al, what say ye? bout half 2 same place?!?

justal - 2-3-2006 at 18:32

No doubt I'll be there!!!... Probably have a couple of hours on the slopes before you get there though!!!

Think I'll pack a flask and stay out til late as well.


rob - 2-3-2006 at 18:52

okey dokey i'll give you a bell when i'm finished tomorrow and will stop off on my way home for a couple of hours.

snarl6 - 2-3-2006 at 20:47

Aggh missed you today al.any good?? give me a shout tommorow rob will be leaving uni at 12 ish if u want a lift..

justal - 2-3-2006 at 21:27

Yep, it was better today.. Got some photos and video clips as well so will post those once I sort them out a bit.

I'm working tomorrow morning but should finish around midday and will head off to the same place then.

See you up there.


rob - 3-3-2006 at 01:15

yep 2:30 at the latest and i'll be there - depends how enthusiastic i am about lectures 2moro - i suspect a hangover!!

mNeil - 3-3-2006 at 13:23

will be up on the A44 tomorrow early morning with board and kites
put a time when you should be there Al /Rob

justal - 3-3-2006 at 16:19

Just got back from there Neil... Still plenty of snow, but nowhere near as good as the virgin snow of yesterday. Unless we get a fresh snowfall tonight I won't be making the journey tomorrow.


carlessd - 3-3-2006 at 16:59

suzie and i are goin to dovey again, 3rd time lucky. hoping to get suzie on the water this time.

mNeil - 3-3-2006 at 18:53

oh dont say i've missed it then and it has to be back in the water; weather reports all say it is going to snow over night. what time will you be able to say if it has snowed in the morning Al?

rob - 3-3-2006 at 19:18

i'm not around over the weekend unfortunately!! i'll be somewhere overhead the welsh/shropshire countryside!!

justal - 3-3-2006 at 20:11

It's snowing now!!!

I'll check first thing in the morning and let you all know here if there looks to be enough.


justal - 4-3-2006 at 06:07

Latest update...

Last nights snow didn't come to much here by the sea... Just a light covering and then it got pretty cold (minus 5.8¬?C).

I can't see the hils yet as it is still dark, but they may have had more??


justal - 4-3-2006 at 08:18

Looking good... It does indeed look as though the hills got another load of snow last night... Whats more, the Borth and Ynyslas Weather Station is forecsting snow again and looking north it the sky looks pretty threatening and I reckon we could get another heavy snowstorm this morning.

Not sure what my plans are yet but I shall be heading out to play at some point.


snarl6 - 4-3-2006 at 08:58

Thinkin about it myself al, but roads look pretty scarey!!

justal - 4-3-2006 at 09:20

Yep, we had a fair bit of snow just now didn't we... I reckon once we get to the main road at Bow Street we'll be OK... My brother is heading up from Bristol so I'll probably head out at around midday.


mNeil - 4-3-2006 at 10:38

got nasty lurgy this morning; bad throat etc so confined to house..............................

leonardo - 4-3-2006 at 12:08

don't worry neil, SW'ers r kicking in this week with nice warm weather..perhaps F4-5 SW and 10+ Cels next weekend?

mNeil - 4-3-2006 at 15:20

next saturday is out as i have to take the van down for its alarm system to be fitted. should make sunday though if there is wind Leo