
Member#: 218 Location: Registered: 11-05-2003 Diary Entries: 42
Mood: don't like winter.....too dark
2nd December 2003
Mt. Biking: Droitwich Wind Direction: against Wind Stength: Surf / Sea State: Air Temperature: Nippy Sea Temperature: Weather: Max Speed: Distance Covered:
Left the house around 12:50 giving me just 10 minutes to get to Arthurs
nursery. The smooth, level tarmac presented little difficulty and as I
pulled up 200m later my quads were only just starting to ache.
Arthurs two stone hanging off the back completely ruined the balance of the
bike and necessited two breathers on the run back home.
An hours R & R later and it was time to pick Harry up from school .... and
this time we were going off road!!
I mounted Harry's 14" police bike on the handlebars (he wanted to ride it
home) and we were off. With all the extra weight on board the bikes
handling was completely blown ... with a turning circle to rival a
I've ridden across the park many times but there was something different
this time, the cricket pitch was slippy as hell and at one point I nearly
got my trousers muddy.
Panic over, we arrived in plenty of time for another quick breather before
returning home in formation, humming the dambusters theme tune.
Extreme School Run, could you handle it?
Nick ;-)
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