
Member#: 405 Location: Registered: 16-10-2003 Diary Entries: 112
Mood: who needs wind anyway
29th April 2011
Kite surfing: estuary Wind Direction: ne Wind Stength: 25knts plus Surf / Sea State: chop/flat Air Temperature: ok Sea Temperature: ok Weather: sun Max Speed: 40.1knts (knots - unless stated otherwise) Distance Covered: 10000000 m (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
shorty wetsuit weather Bonus..
Had a speed session with neil on standard boards and kites were 8 for neil
and 10 for me.
Gps showed max speed of 30 knts or there abouts for both of us, but the
pain on the old knees started to show.
we both then had a standard play in the ever decreasing water..
Then i tried out an undergorund sppedboard which PKS had kindly got me, wow
what a difference near silence from the spray/board and it just holds power
like nothing else cutting down on any chop.
first run 35knts, then as confidnece grew slowly edged to the magic 40.1
knts max speed..
by then the water was disappearing fast so went for a chill out on the sea
on saturday did the same in the morning then ended up on the seafront in
gusty cross off winds (don't try it unless you know what your doing), with
a peak run of about 30knts.
i will download, when i work out how, the gps data to get a ful picture of
the weekend, but for those in the know 40knts is pretty fast!!!
Come on AL 40knts is easy!!!!!
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