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February so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19883
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: MartinF

Worst Wipeout Award 2003

Member#: 72
Registered: 28-10-2002
Diary Entries: 184

Mood: needing time out
27th August 2011
Windsurfing: WSM
Wind Direction: WSW - dead onshore
Wind Stength: F 4-6
Surf / Sea State: Big waves, 6 second gaps
Air Temperature: 16C. Summer??
Sea Temperature: warm
Weather: Sunny/cloudy/showery
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Another "summer" day, with temps hovering around the 16 degree mark. But it was windy!!

Some were saying 4.7m was enough. I rigged 5.5m on the 86l Goya which was about right for getting out over the waves, but was slightly overpowered once out the back.

There were some massive jumps to be had and I had a great time until I started to get a little too overpowered as the tide was reaching it's peak, so decided to change down to 4.7m on the JP Wave.

Big mistake. Couldn't get out at all. With the tide so high and the wind so onshore, I didn't have enough power to get onto the plane, point upwind, and clear the wooden posts. Wave after wave took me down. V frustrating.

After half an hour of struggling, I tried using the 4.7m on the 86l Goya, hoping that the bit of extra volume might help me get out. It didn't.

Finally went back to the 5.5m Rock on the Goya. No problems getting out, but was now seriously overpowered out the back, leading to a crashed gybe. At this point, I noticed the top batten was broken - Goodness knows how or when, but it had certainly made a mess of the batten pocket. Bugger!
Toys Used:
JP Wave 78
Fanatic Goya Wave 86 86l
North Zeta 4.7m
Tushingham Rock 5.5m
Fiberspar  430
Fiberspar Tidal Wave 430
Neil Pryde Full Carbon Wave 150-198
JP Wave 21cm
Select X1 25cm Wave
Neil Pryde UXT26 extension 26cm
Neil Pryde UBase 45 Extension #2 45cm
Boge Deck plate/UJ #3 
Boge Deck plate/UJ #4 



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