
Member#: 405 Location: Registered: 16-10-2003 Diary Entries: 112
Mood: who needs wind anyway
21st March 2012
Hiking - Walking: snowdon Wind Direction: Wind Stength: Surf / Sea State: Air Temperature: 8 Sea Temperature: Weather: dry/misty Max Speed: Distance Covered:
i'm in A+E at the moment........Word of warning turns out the dyson Ball
cleaner, isn't what you think it is!!!!!!!!!!
Any way, as it was the wifes birthday and we hadn't done snowdon for a
couple of years we decided to walk it, started up the Pyg track with the
intention od doing Crib Goch (the ridge) but when we got to the stile that
splits the track we decided to carry on the pyg as the cloud and mist had
come in and visibilty on the top 500m means we couldn't even see the
fantastic clear views, although cloudy.
for those that know the Pyg track , where the miners track comes in from
the left from there in we were walking in the mist with visibility down to
about 100metres.
when we did get to the top the cloud was even lower, so after abrief stop
some misty, cloudy photo's we started to make our way back, but this time
going down the miners track, which again we walked out into clear, if
cloudy weather.
At this point we saw some purple smoke blow up from near one of the lakes,
then a thudding sound and proceeded to watch the army with a merlin
helicopter practise landings and take offs on various ridges around the
valley so we stood and watched/filmed for about 20mins with the heli crews
giving us a wave.
carried on down the miners track back to the car for a coffee and some
chocloate birthday cake.
2 hrs 10 to get up, and despite the stop for heli viewing 2hrs 10
started at 9 back to the car for 2.30, then off to betswy coed for food,
mooch round the shops and back home for 6.
great day out
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