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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19866
This Months Entries: 23
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: krafty

Member#: 3052
Registered: 28-11-2006
Diary Entries: 467

Mood: waiting for wind
26th April 2012
Windsurfing: Pevensey Bay
Wind Direction: Ssw / SW
Wind Stength: 20-30 knots
Surf / Sea State: Nice waves
Air Temperature: Nippy early on
Sea Temperature: Ok
Weather: Dry and windy
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Early start, and just as I get in the van it pisses down .... Whooopie!!!
Was already committed at this point so high tailed it beach ward .... Fuel gauge on reserve, great!!! Got to fuel station just round corner from beach and filled up and eventually got to beach to find it blowing hard and dry :)
Rigged the 4.5m Shark and XWave81 & rubbered up for a session.
That didn't quite go to plan tbh, and due to a mixture of lack of skill, practice, match fitness and simple lardiness managed to get nailed and rinsed resulting in a nice walk as warm up before switching to my trusty USurf84 tri fin.
Those extra 3L made all the difference and I had a considerably better time.
Shame I had to go to work tbh but managed to force myself in, derig, pack up, get changed and to work in 40 minutes!!!
Will take a few more sessions like that ;)
Toys Used:
Exocet U-Surf 84 Tri-fin 84 ltr
Exocet XWave 81
XO Shark 4.5m



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