
Member#: 405 Location: Registered: 16-10-2003 Diary Entries: 112
Mood: who needs wind anyway
29th April 2012
Other: shatterford Wind Direction: Wind Stength: Surf / Sea State: Air Temperature: Sea Temperature: Weather: wet Max Speed: Distance Covered:
as i had a busy night, i didn't go coast bound so decided to try my new toy
of a Montesa 315r trials bike at a local trials park.
Great bike let down by super slippy muddy conditions but the potential is
there, from zero to full power with a Centimeter of throttle, caught me out
a few times with almost flip of the back wheelies.
Ages since i've done trials (30uears to be exact) but a great skill set to
re learn.
Plan is to train up do a few modern trials then get a classic BSA bantam
bike for the pre 65 series next winter.
Mind you if it's pre 65 neil and spooks might have an original around
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