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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
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Owner: col123

Member#: 405
Registered: 16-10-2003
Diary Entries: 112

Mood: who needs wind anyway
27th November 2013
Mt. Biking: bike park wales
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature: 10
Sea Temperature:
Weather: cloudy
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

uplift day spent at the fairly new bike park wales near mertha in south wales.

heard good things about this site, and it is true loads of variations on the runs etc

at the top where your dropped off is about the start of six different graded runs from Blue to Black, (black being hardest run).

tried all the trails and they all have various features on the descent, ie you can start on a blue, cross to red, blk and so one..apprently there are about 60 different ways of getting down the mountain...

It was almost race like though, when you get dropped off a quick 300 mtrs to the start then off you go almost racing to the bottom to catch the van uplift again..

longest run called 'sixtapod' was about 2.2 k and like a roller coaster.

if you do go book the uplift,,,£30.00... as the climb is horrendous and you.ll only get about 4 runs in, we had about 12 runs before we were knackered.

only downside it was very muddy in places and the jetwash wasnt working, but i'd go again when dry..
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