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February so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19885
This Months Entries: 10
My Total Entries: 0
My Entries this Month: 0
Most Active Members:
squiz (7 entries)
maker (3 entries)
Most Stoked Members:
squiz (Stoke Factor: 20 )
maker (Stoke Factor: 9 )

Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: maker

Member#: 5349
Registered: 25-02-2007
Diary Entries: 2094

7th July 2015
Windsurfing: Llanfairfechan
Wind Direction: SW
Wind Stength: F5/6
Surf / Sea State: Bump n jump
Air Temperature: 20
Sea Temperature: 15
Weather: sun
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Forecast cloud so put 4/3 full suit on and boiled in the sun,but at least it kept the jelly fish sting at the end to only my feet. Rigged 76l/4.7m which was perfect and maxed a lot of the time. Went upwind to cob and broke a harness line, couldn't sail back so long walk to get a new one. Great blasting and a few small jumps. Great session
Toys Used:
F2 Guerilla 76
North Ice 4.7
MFC wave 21.5



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