Member#: 5349 Location: Registered: 25-02-2007 Diary Entries: 2094
14th September 2015
Windsurfing: Felixstowe-Dip Wind Direction: SSW Wind Stength: F5-6 Surf / Sea State: smooth rollersand messy chop Air Temperature: 19 Sea Temperature: 18 Weather: sun and cloud Max Speed: 24 (knots - unless stated otherwise) Distance Covered: 26 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
On the wateraround 3:30 with 96/6m which was right. Nice rollers and sea
fairly smooth. After 45mins it suddenly chopped up and wind increased as
Strawb arrived with 5m and Paul S rigged. Changed to 76/4.7m and flattened
that as Strawb moved to 4.5m.
Sea bit messy with some good rollers then smoothed out later. Wind was
gradually moving West and sailed until 6:10when it swung more off and
decreased. Tom also turn up and moved from 5.7m to 4.1m. There was about
30mins when I would have been better on 4.2m as windier than it looked.
Tried a few jumps and had one decent one, Paul did some good uns. Wind was
a little gusty at time and HHA showed a bit offshorelater on. At low quite
a few breaking waves, so sandbanks must be building between Golf and Dip.
Tired after a good session,and hot in 4/3mmwhen the sun shore. 4*
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