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February so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19889
This Months Entries: 14
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squiz (10 entries)
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: col123

Member#: 405
Registered: 16-10-2003
Diary Entries: 112

Mood: who needs wind anyway
25th November 2015
Kite surfing: ynyslas
Wind Direction: NNW
Wind Stength: 25+
Surf / Sea State: big
Air Temperature: ok
Sea Temperature: ok
Weather: overcast
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

haven't posted here in ages but just had a top afternoon session at ynyslas, big big waves, some nice swell out the back with long rides in, well powered on a 9M Airush union.

Did two megaloops ie:- loop kite on way up during your jump and come nearly level with the kite whilst doing it.

Great fun boosting doing this but one landing the kite was so far behind me i had to down loop to get control back, big rocket style speed downwind but pulled it off.

tide was very low, lowest ive seen for ages and created big lagoons at waters edge, which you could charge through and boost of the waves. top afternoon, and not to cold
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