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February so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
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Owner: Basher

Member#: 165
Registered: 09-03-2003
Diary Entries: 18

18th April 2004
Windsurfing: Brighton
Wind Direction: Various!
Wind Stength: Lots/nothing/lots/ etc
Surf / Sea State: We're talking big here
Air Temperature: Cold
Sea Temperature: About the same
Weather: wet stuff falling
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

I hope you grabbed a reasonable sail today (Sunday April 18th).

I've spoken to lots of people this evening who were disappointed by the conditions. And certainly, you had to pick your moment to launch, and the right sail.
I decided early on to miss this morning's onshore mayhem, hoping we might get a decent force 5 SW as the tide dropped here in Brighton. In fact we probably ended up with a gusty force 6 this afternoon.
My advice dished out to freinds was to go to Shoreham for the easier sailing but I haven't got wheels right now so I decided I'd wait until we had more side-shore winds outside the Basher Beach Hut here in Brighton. This meant I was stuck on the promenade alone, waiting in the rain for quite a long time.
It was a miserable day for the inactive. The only people I saw were over-dressed families out walking – parents obviously not speaking to each other except to scream at their bedraggled kids. And then there were one or two under-dressed night-club types – on their way home from last night's shag, their hands in their pockets, and shoulders hunched like heroin addicts. This also meant I was the only person out sailing on the water here (as far as I could see).
After nearly bottling out, I eventually launched as the wind kicked in hard just before 4pm. When I say 'sailing', I actually spent an hour or two thrashing around on the Evo74 wave board rigged with a 5.2 – mostly with the windscreens wipers on full.
It was certainly an invigorating session – perhaps on a par with colonic irrigation (I imagine).
When you've just had the luxury of two months wave-sailing in Cape Town in hot sunshine, then April in the UK has it's obvious drawbacks. If the cold don't get you then the line squalls will.
My over-sized sail survived one viscious squall surprisingly intact –
whereas my arm muscles are certainly torn.
Did it actually matter what size sail you rigged today? No. Sometimes it was right and sometimes it was wrong. At one time I was seeing Brighton Pier from the seagull's perspective. At others, I was mush- diving and catching a fish-eye view of the seabed. It has to be said, the guys who had the best time in Brighton were probably the surfers – the waves were massive here for a while.

But, HeyHo, not a bad sail in the end. I had some massive jumps,
caught a few great waves, and only got trashed a couple of times when the wind dropped light. On days like these we thank God for winter wetsuits. Perhaps the true high point of the day was the cup of tea back in the Beach Hut.

Same again tomorrow, anyone? It is April, after all...


Toys Used:
Starboard Evo 74 short!
Tushingham Rock 5.2m



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