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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3109

4th May 2019
Windsurfing: Bradfield
Wind Direction: N
Wind Stength: 5/30
Surf / Sea State: river chop
Air Temperature: 8
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny periods with squally showers!
Max Speed: 27.03 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 27 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Saturday 4th – windsurf **** Wrabness – sunny periods with squally showers!

F2 Xantos 133 with 36 cm fin and Tushingham X-15 7m.

Fin – 27.03 knot max., 25.01 knot ave., 15.35 knot hour, 22.82 knot mile, 50.14 km., 16.71 knot alpha.

This had been forecast all week and for once it actually arrived, a Northerly wind but with squally showers made for an interesting sail! Local sailor Jason had arranged with the farmer to open up the field at Bradfield after it had been closed for several months after he had trouble with oafs speeding their hatchbacks along his farm track and then setting fire to his straw, lets hope he has no more trouble so he will keep it open? Jason and I still prefer to sail from Wrabness, you can get on the water a little earlier, its sheltered to rig and in this direction the wind is cross shore and you can sail straight down the Stour, the only trouble is the parking is limited and Mag doesn’t get a great view while in the van but the beach at Bradfield did look busy today despite the temperature varying between 5 and 8 degrees, dropping like a stone when an icy squall came through and I like the peace and quiet so prefer Wrabness. We arrived nice and early about 9.30 and had it all to ourselves so I got prime parking position and with wind gusting to 25 mph I took a chance rigging my X-15 7m and my 133 lt. Xantos to get me through the lulls you get while river sailing. Jason had arrived and I actually had someone to do my zip up on my winter suit plus hat and gloves so despite the chilly weather I was fine and stayed out the best part of a couple of hours. I thought I had made a serious error as I set off up river on my first run as the wind picked up to 30 knots and I couldn’t sheet in. also in this direction as I have noticed before the water is very very choppy and going fast is next to impossible!!!! I made it just past Bradfield beach and turned thinking that I should go and rig my 5.8 but the squall had passed and things calmed down so I stuck with the 7m which was fine, under at times and completely maxed out at others! The original plan was to sail up to Manningtree Sailing Club where there was an open day to encourage people out on the water, not great weather for that with strong wind and the sun being lost now and again with hail and rain, but I quickly decided against this as it was a beat up river and the winds went very gusty and I didn’t want to be caught out at Manningtree in a big squall with a broad three mile reach back so I decided to explore the large bay in front of Holbrook school. I am glad I did as my day improved 100% and had some amazing full power three mile reaches and the water state improved as you neared the Suffolk side and how I didn’t get 30 knots is a mystery to me as I was absolutely flying! I love whizzing through the mooring in front of the beach huts at Wrabness getting further out with each run! I was surprised to see several yachts out sailing in the strong wind after a particularly squally run I went ashore on the Suffolk side and the rain soon passed but the wind then disappeared and I had a slow beat back. Then the wind returned and I made it nearly to Mistley Quay before turning. With the tide now high it had chopped up and I had one last broad reach back to Wrabness going as fast as I dared but it is tiring and not pleasant in the vey lumpy mess so I decided to call it a day and went and had lunch in the sun with Mag. With no sign of Jason, we went for a walk collecting Hazel twigs for the garden and then onto the bird hide in Wrabness reserve. Jason had returned after an adventure sailing up to Manningtree and after he had packed up, we had a cuppa and biscuit in the van and a great chat:) So an interesting day, a bit disappointing speeds but good fun none the less and the wind is apparently moving away for the rest of the Bank Holiday weekend!

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Toys Used:
F2 Xantos CS 295 133
Tushingham x-15 7m
MK CPS carbon 180/240
Gull Delta L



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