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February so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19890
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3128

28th March 2021
Windsurfing: Levington
Wind Direction: WSW
Wind Stength: 5/30
Surf / Sea State: river chop
Air Temperature: 10
Sea Temperature: 6
Weather: cloudy
Max Speed: 25.31 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 25.75 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Sunday 28th March - Windsurf *** - River Orwell at Nacton Shores – sunny periods.

Fin – 25.31 knot max, 22.88 knot ave., 9.94 knot hour, 19.47 knot mile (year PB), 39.90 km.,13.52 knot alpha.

F2 Zantos 310 with Tushingham Lightning 7.8m and 44 fin.

Early prom walk *** Felixstowe.

With the clocks going forward we woke around 6.45 with a nice red glow in the sky we decided to go for a quick walk along the prom which is just at the end of our road. By the time we had reached the cliff top the sun had all but disappeared and it remained cloudy all day. We walked towards The Fludgers so we had the good breeze on our backs and it was nice and quiet too, the tide was fairly low and the rocks were out! I think it is the lowest tide of the year on Tuesday at 7.15 so will be worth an early walk to see if the sand bars at Landguard are showing or perhaps the old fort at The Dip? Then up through the Spa gardens, along the cliff top and home for a cuppa and read in bed before getting up to head over to Nacton Shores again.


Checked the wind around 8 and it was approx. 20 knots from the WSW and as still a bit on the chilly side for an open sea session I decided to once again head over to Nacton Shores, hopefully for the last time as Levington Marina opens for sailing tomorrow. Although it is a very pretty spot the wind is particularly gusty and parking can be difficult! Had my breakfast, struggled into my wetsuit, hitched the trailer and left Felixstowe at ten arriving some 15 minutes later, parking OK too:) A quick walk to check the conditions, WSW winds gusting to 20 knots but it is difficult to judge how windy it really is as it is much windier up towards Levington Marina. As the tide was still fairly low it would have been a bit of a wade out to foil I decided to fin once again. Feed up with struggling on smaller boards I went for my big Xantos 310 at 147 lt. and nearly rigged 8.5 which would have been a major error! In the end I went for my least favourite sail the Lightning 7.8 which never feels completely right for some reason??? It was a short walk to water deep enough to sail and I set off on the 2.50 mile run to the corner just past the marina. Once past the trees on the far bank I hit the wind which got stronger as I sailed past the corner! I was now way overpowered in winds gusting over 30 knots so going fast was next to impossible especially in the steep chop! When you are pushing with the front hand more than you are sheeting in you know you have too much sail and it was a case of surviving until the wind gusts eased! I was dumped in a couple of times and water starting was interesting and I could not make it back to my starting point, just could not sheet in to sail upwind efficiently but I manged to get nearly back, stopping enroute to take a few pics and to let a coaster pass, several people were out enjoying a blustery Sunday walk despite the gloomy grey day! I then meet up with Steve Miller out on the same gear as yesterday and had a chat as the wind eased. The wind then swung a fraction more south and I could easily sail straight past my launch spot and noticed someone else rigging up. I then had another good run right down the river in smoother water as the tide was now going out! The beat back was just as challenging with some super big gusts and I was pleased to get back. The other sailor was struggling with a small board and sail, not ideal for river sailing especially with the wind going out! Still it was an interesting session, I am glad I did not foil as I would have needed at least my 5.2 which I cant rig at the moment, and I covered nearly 25 interesting miles and actually got my fastest mile of the year, a staggering 19.47 knots!
Looks like we are in for a couple of unseasonable warm days which will be nice as it is still good to be out windsurfing especially on such a grey day! Looking like a nice foil day tomorrow in the sun so will perhaps check out Levington Marina. Several mates who live too far from the water to get sailing are getting out tomorrow for the first time this year so fingers crossed everyone had a good sunny and breezy day!
After packing up I went the back way through Levington and once again spotted a small herd of deer resting by a bush in the same spot I saw them before including the white one and stopped to get some shots before heading for home to warm up in the shower!

Photo Gallery Here

Toys Used:
F2 Xantos CS 310 147
Tushingham Lightning 7.8
MK CPS carbon 180/240
Gull Delta L



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