
Member#: 6644 Location: Registered: 27-05-2007 Diary Entries: 3124
3rd May 2023
Windsurfing: The Manor-Felixstowe Wind Direction: ENE Wind Stength: 15/18 Surf / Sea State: lumpy Air Temperature: Sea Temperature: Weather: sunny Max Speed: 18.10 (knots - unless stated otherwise) Distance Covered: 19.50 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
Wednesday 3rd May - Windsurf *** The Manor at Felixstowe - sunny.
Foil - 18.10 knot max, 16.42 knot ave, 12.48 knot hour, 14.01 knot mile,
31.32 km., 12.86 knot alpha.
Starboard Freeride 150 and an Evolution Freeride foil with a Tushingham
Thunderbird 6.5.
I was keen to get out today as it?s been a fairly poor year for
windsurfing, this was my 18th session compared to 32 at this point last
year! With high tide at 11.10 I had time to do my exercises in the garden
and with the wind building I decided to head down to The Manor to check out
the conditions, taking Mag for her daily walk, arriving at 12.45. Mag set
off along the sunny prom and I decided to give it a go for my first foiling
session on the sea since the 7th October last year, Al Wizz and Martin B
were already out on the fin. Foil board was quickly set up and with a
constant breeze from the ENE around 15/18 knots I decided to rig my 6.5
even if it is now getting near the end of its life, more tape than sail
now, it proved ideal for the session. Launching was no problem and I was
soon up and flying getting my sea legs as it was very lumpy so going fast
was not an option today but I had an hour and a half of fun in the sun
doing long mile runs out to sea I slowly beat up the coast. I got just past
the pier but being rough I decided to head back and had a few broad runs
back, gybing was OK in the big sea so that has improved for me. With
hopefully another session on the River Stour tomorrow I decided to call it
a day and return to the beach, I did jump off too early and had to swim the
last bit with some nice waves breaking up the beach but I got ashore OK. I
packed up and spent half an hour driving around Felixstowe taking pics of
some of the Post Boxes with their knitted Coronation tops and very nice
they looked too:)
Photo Album here
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