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February so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19887
This Months Entries: 12
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squiz (8 entries)
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maker (Stoke Factor: 12 )

Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3126

29th May 2023
Windsurfing: The Dip-Felixstowe
Wind Direction: NE
Wind Stength: 18/22
Surf / Sea State: confused mess mainly :(
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: cloudy start then sunny
Max Speed: 26.71 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 33.25 mies (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Monday 29th May - Windsurf **** The Dip at Felixstowe - cloudy start then sunny.

Fin - 26.71 knot max, 25.19 knot ave, 15.84 knot hour (year PB), 20.23 knot mile (year PB), 53.28 km., 14.68 knot alpha.

F2 282 Ride with Tushingham Thunderbird 6.5m and 36 fin.

The NE just keeps on blowing, stronger today so I was looking for a rare trip out on my fin gear today. With low water at 1.18 I was in no hurry so managed my exercises, indoors as cloudy and cool in the garden, I then headed down to The Dip for the second day running and was lucky to get a parking space in the little windsurfing car park as this must have been the best turnout at Felixstowe this year! For once fin sailors outnumbered the rest but there was 3 foilers and a winger out too with several kitesurfers coming later nearer low water. With a constant 20 knots most of the lager sailors went for around 6.5 which was OK for the session which was matched with a 115 lt. board. NE was the best direction, especially at low water but things have changed and not for the better sadly, there used to be an area of pretty fairy flat water closer in leading to some rolling swell but movement from the shingle bar has changed things being nowhere near as smooth and out to sea with the wind against the tide it was just a confused mess which made gybing very difficult. As usual I went for a fast hour to start and was amazed to get a PB for the year, best mile too, nothing special as I don?t fin sail much these days as foiling has taken over as it is much easier on an old body! Still, I stuck it out for a couple of hours plus covering over 30 miles for the second day running so couldn?t have been that bad but definitely not the conditions I like! With the wind seeming to increase it was time to call it a day especially as the tide was about to turn so changed and did my other hobby, taking a few pics of the sailors out as Mag arrived walking along the prom with lunch. We enjoyed it in the sun sheltered behind a groyne with the sun now out, we also got to catch up with several people we haven?t seen for ages:)

Photo Album here

Toys Used:
F2 Ride - Limited Edition 282
Tushingham Thunderbird lll 6.5
MK CPX carbon 150/210
Gull Vortex large



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