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February so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19889
This Months Entries: 14
My Total Entries: 0
My Entries this Month: 0
Most Active Members:
squiz (10 entries)
maker (4 entries)
Most Stoked Members:
squiz (Stoke Factor: 25 )
maker (Stoke Factor: 12 )

Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: maker

Member#: 5349
Registered: 25-02-2007
Diary Entries: 2095

30th May 2023
Wing Boarding: Llanfairfechan
Wind Direction: NE
Wind Stength: F3/F4
Surf / Sea State: Waves and chop
Air Temperature: 17
Sea Temperature: 14.3
Weather: Sun
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Less wind than earlier session so first time with CWC 6m V3 in evening sun.. Noticeably different to Ensis and easier to spot the bad points which were often differences in technique. Liked it more as session went on.
Toys Used:
Armstrong Wing SUP 88l
F-One CWC V3 6m
Armstrong Surf 205
Armstrong HS V2 1550
Armstrong Mast 85
Armstrong TC Fuse 60



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