
Member#: 6644 Location: Registered: 27-05-2007 Diary Entries: 3130
9th May 2023
Windsurfing: The Dip-Felixstowe Wind Direction: NE Wind Stength: 18/22 Surf / Sea State: lumpy Air Temperature: 18 Sea Temperature: Weather: sunny and warm Max Speed: 27.25 (knots - unless stated otherwise) Distance Covered: 44.25 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
Friday 9th June - Windsurf ***** The Dip at Felixstowe - sunny and warm.
Fin - 27.25 knot max (31.36 mph), 25.57 knot ave (year PB), 15.51 knot
hour, 19.17 knot mile, 71.00 km., 15.17 knot alpha.
F2 282 Ride with Tushingham Thunderbird 6.5m and 36 fin.
The wind Gods have been smiling on the East Coast with a constant breeze
from the NE for the 22 consecutive days and I have made the most of the
conditions with six sessions on the foil and six on the fin with most
session being on my favourite 6.5 Thunderbird which is definitely on its
last legs, would love some Duotone E ? pace HD but have you seen the price
of new sails!!! With low water at 9.40 the plan was to get to The Dip early
but a lorry accident on the dreadful A 14 held up a couple of sailors,
being local I had no such problems arriving at the beach at 8.30 in wall to
wall sunshine but the 20 knot wind was a fraction off. It was another fin
day for me, once again the 6.5 on my much loved and well battered F2 Ride
282 at 115 lt. which once again proved perfect! I got on the water just
before nine with the water fairly smooth close in but as usual it got big
the further you went out. I went for 10 long runs out to sea approx. one
and a half miles although finding to gybe on out to sea was challenging,
even close to the beach it was pretty bumpy but I had a much better success
rate turning there! I was out for at least an hour before I was joined on
the water by the delayed sailors, in the end there were 7 on fins, 1 winger
and a solo kitesurfer braving the conditions, he is a nice American called
Greg who loves the rougher water! I was out for an hour and a half covering
25 miles, nothing overly fast, there was an area of smoother water a couple
of hundred yards out you could bear off before heading back up wind! The
day was so lovely and everyone was having a great time I decided to head
out again despite being knackered getting close to 35 miles covered. The
tide had now turned so you had wind with tide but I was well powered so
staying upwind was easy, some came it to change down a sail size but I was
fine. I was not so close to breaking 40 miles I ventured out for two more
long runs before calling it a day absolutely dead on my feet! Pack up and
home to spend the afternoon with the Granddaughter, the lovely Maeva, we
are looking after her tomorrow for Dan and Jay as the temperatures are set
to rise for the whole of next week with the wind easing too!
So a great spell of windsurfing, we are lucky to get decent spells of NE
winds here on the East Coast, so with over 44 miles sailed today on a bumpy
North sea, not bad for an old boy, even managed a PB average today too -
top day:)
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