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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19605
This Months Entries: 43
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squiz (22 entries)
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maker (Stoke Factor: 65 )
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2961

21st July 2023
Mt. Biking: Around Felixstowe
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: Mainly cloudy and showers
Max Speed: 21.38 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 10.35 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Friday 21st July - bike *** Around Felixtowe - sunny start then cloudy with showers.

After yestedays adventues at Alton Water we had no plans for today, I had one eye on the breeze for a windsurf foil at Levington but the wind did not play ball, never mind as it is supposed to be windy all weekend! The day started well with sunshine so managed my execises while Mag pottered in he garden, she harvested her first potatoes which we had for dinner and very nice they were too:) Local birders had posted some lovely pics of the Black winged kite that had moved down fom Horsey yesterday and was showing well at Kingsfleet. So after fitting a new innertube I decided to bike down and see if it was still about. The weather did not look very promising having clouded over, threatening rain as I left home around 1.30. Past the Grove pak and down Marsh Lane where I meet the first birders having just arrived fom Bristol and London, so keen! I continued to Kingsfleet where I stood on the Deben sea wall for awhile but the kite had apparentely headed ove towards Bawdsey this morning. Then I had a real teat as a bittern flew overhead, I managed a few blurry pics, not helped by the fact it took me by surprise and had the wrong lense and settings on my camera, cant win them all! I continued along the sea wall back to Felixstowe Ferry as a steady stream of bides headed the other way, loads of them too! With the tide high I took a few pics at the boatyard before heading for home on the sea path to The Dip, then around to the Fludyers and along the prom to end Manor where preperations were well under way for carnival weekend, shame the weather foecast is not looking great, its not our scene so will avoid the crowds. Back through Langer Park and home just as it started to rain but did not get too wet!

Photo Album here

Toys Used:
Cannondale Trail 5 (electric) 29er



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