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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19605
This Months Entries: 43
My Total Entries: 0
My Entries this Month: 0
Most Active Members:
squiz (22 entries)
maker (20 entries)
alistair (1 entries)
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squiz (Stoke Factor: 66 )
maker (Stoke Factor: 65 )
alistair (Stoke Factor: 5 )

Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2961

27th September 2023
Mt. Biking: Around Felixstowe
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: Mainly cloudy
Max Speed: 21.31 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 8.50 miles (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Wednesday 27th September – bike *** – Around Felixstowe including lunch by the River Deben – mainly cloudy.

After all the fuss about Storm Agnes we had pretty light winds here in Felixstowe so no windsurfing today and as I had an appointment at 3.30 it left us enough time to to head out on our bikes for a picnic by the River Deben at Felixstowe Ferry. A cloudy day but I still managed to do my exercises in the garden while Mag is non-stop also in the garden:) Then at 1.15 we head out, down to the prom where we bump into a friend Roger who said we had just missed the Waverly Paddle Steamer sail past! Continuing to The Fludyers and around to The Dip and stop at our quiet spot by the Deben. The tide is whizzing out out no seal today, also very few boats out to sea but we did spot a paraglider making the most of the onshore breeze at Bawdsey Cliffs:) We enjoy a yummy chicken sandwich before Mag heads for home while I continue onto the jetty at the Ferry and out onto the Deben path, at Kingsfleet I turn left and take Marsh Lane bck to The Grove woods, though the town and home.
The day ended with the most amazing sunset:)

Photo Album here

Toys Used:
Cannondale Trail 5 (electric) 29er



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