
Member#: 6644 Location: Registered: 27-05-2007 Diary Entries: 3128
25th December 2023
Mt. Biking: Around Felixstowe Wind Direction: Wind Stength: Surf / Sea State: Air Temperature: Sea Temperature: Weather: cloudy and mild Max Speed: 14.46 (knots - unless stated otherwise) Distance Covered: 15.75 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
Monday 25th December - bike ***** – Around Felixstowe including
lunch with ‘Emily’ - cloudy.
I had hoped to go windsurfing at Levington first thing before the lovely
Maeva arrives but the wind was too light so had a change of plan, I decided
to nip down to Felixstowe seafront to catch the Felixstowe Christmas Day
dip on my bike. The dip was organised by the Elizabeth Hospice and very
good it was too, the weather really helped the event being very mild, a
balmy 12 degrees and with the wind offshore the sea was nice and flat, the
tide was high which made things a little tight down on the prom down
towards The Manor with apparentely 600 taking part plus a large crowd
watching! I parked my bike by a rock groyne and scrambled out to get a good
view of the dip and managed to get some nice pics which proved popular on
Facebook:) I then headed back home to sort out my pics as Mag finished her
breakfast, she had heated up some sausage rolls and mince pies and we set
off on our bikes inland away from the crowds enjoying the beautiful Suffok
countryside as we headed down Marsh Lane with not a soul about:) It was
pleasant out despite the gloom being fairly mild. We had the most wonderful
picnic with lunch being still warm:) well rested to headed back to
Felixstowe to get ready for an afternoon with Maeva, Dan and Jay.
We had a lovely family time and by the time our company left we were
absolutetly knackered!
Photo Album here
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