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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19862
This Months Entries: 19
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squiz (12 entries)
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maker (Stoke Factor: 22 )

Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3109

12th January 2024
Mt. Biking: Around Felixstowe
Wind Direction: N
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature: 5
Sea Temperature:
Weather: cloudy and cold
Max Speed: 18.90 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 12.50 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Friday 12th January - bike *** – Falkenham Church for lunch with ‘Emily’ – cloudy and cold.

No plans for today as a little uninspiring being cloudy and cold but at least the wind has eased down, still coming from a very cold direction though, The North ! As I had not been out on my bike so far this month I decided to make a picnic after my exercises and cycle over to have lunch with Emily at Falkenham Church. Leaving home around 12.30 well wrapped up as it was chilly trying to avoid as many roads as possible as passing cars scare us :( We whizz down Marsh Lane and come to a stop just past the derelict house as there about 300 geese grazing in a field of winter wheat, there were also several swans doing the same thing! It was lovely and quiet which is not surprising in the gloomy cold but at least the drizzle had stopped. Turning we head away from the River Deben where two anglers are fishing for pike in Kings Fleet. Back on the lane near Falkenham I spot 3 deer which run across the road in front of us and soon disappear across the fields, so fast! Onto to our favourite bench at Falkenham Church for our yummy picnic but not before we go and check on the snowdropps, there were a few in bloom with many more coming, Mag nearly stands on a surprised vole! We see a robin, some blackbirds and tits in the churchyard and a large number of pigeons are spooked in the field in front of us as a bizzard does a fly past! Then back to Kirton with both our hands now pretty cold, down Grimston Lane to the huge green footbridge, around Felixstowe Acadamy and home for a hot water bottle and cuppa, nice 12 mile bike ride despite the cold, there is no end in sight with next week looking even colder, be lucky to get out windsurfing again this month, don’t think much of this global warming!

Photo Album here

Toys Used:
Cannondale Trail 5 (electric) 29er



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