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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19866
This Months Entries: 23
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squiz (15 entries)
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3112

19th January 2024
Hiking - Walking: Levington
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature: 0
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny and cold
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 3.74 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Friday 19th January - walks ***** – Levington and Felixstowe – sunny and cold.

With the cold snal continuing and as I had a lovely morning yesterday taking pics of the ice at Levington creek I decided to do it again today but this time Mag came so we could do our daily week:) We did not bother with the sunrise and headed over to Levington Marina arriving around 8.30, if anything it was colder than yesterday with more frost. Parking just outside the marina, I put my new wellies on for the first time and we set off across the field behind the marina thick with frost and onto the path by the River Orwell turning right to the creek. This path is usually thick with mud making it difficult to walk but today although bumpy it was frozen hard. There was loads of waders in the mud and we had one eye on the fields for deer but did not spot any. The ice was still at the top of Levington creek as I walked out onto it, nearly losing my welly a couple of times! We carry on around the creek meeting a dog walker who said she had seen 20 deer and we spotted them on the other side:) We scared a kingfisher from a sluice who whizzed away in a flash of blue and a large flock geese we circling and landed in a field close by for breakfast to join the lapwings:) Then back along the wooden walkway which was covered in frost with several reed buntings feeding, with the sun out and brilliant blue skies and with light breezes it did not feel cold despite the temperature at zero! The back around to the view point over a little lake and were pleased to spot a large herd of deer including one white one and watched them for ages, just made our day:) Then back to the marina, Mag takes the field route while I walk back through the yachts and back to the van knackered after walking nearly 4 miles! Home for a late breakfast and then head around to have an hour or so with the lovely Maeav and her mum and dad:) We head to the park with Maeva on her new push along trike where she loves her go on the swings!
Again I didn’t get any any of todays pics on the TV weather but was pleased to have one on the end of BBC’s Look East :) Another top day!

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