
Member#: 6644 Location: Registered: 27-05-2007 Diary Entries: 3126
14th February 2024
Mt. Biking: Two Rivers - Orwell to Deben(short route) Wind Direction: Wind Stength: Surf / Sea State: Air Temperature: Sea Temperature: Weather: cloudy, damp and mild Max Speed: 22.11 (knots - unless stated otherwise) Distance Covered: 11.50 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
Tuesday 14th February - bike *** – Two rivers, Orwell to the Deben
– cloudy, mild with some light rain.
Walk *** - Valentines prom walk including lunch on the pier:)
Although mild it was gloomy with some light rain, I headed out early to get
Mag some flowers and had some fun photographing them in the rain before
doing my exercises, I was going to pack a picnic but changed my mind
instead I took Mag out to lunch, well we had yummy sausage and chips eating
them on the pier sharing them with the pigeons and gulls as one huge
container headed out as another one slowly came over the horizon. We then
continued onto the Spa theatre and back through the town and home as Mag
had a mate coming around for a cuppa and cake.
Bike ***
I had one eye on the wind today for another windsurf foil but although it
looked promising first thing it quickly dropped off so after lunch out I
decided to head out on the bike, leaving just after 2 heading down through
Langer Park and onto Felixstowe Dock view point as the huge container we
saw while having lunch being helped to its berth by 3 tugs:) Then back
across the quiet Landguard Nature reserve to the prom to eh Fludyers, The
Dip ending up at Felixstowe Ferry. A few pics at the boatyard and back
across the golf course and home, with Mags company still here, she brought
yummy cake too so I made another cuppa and had a slice – top day despite
the gloom:)
Photo Album here
Toys Used:

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