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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19862
This Months Entries: 19
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squiz (12 entries)
maker (7 entries)
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squiz (Stoke Factor: 40 )
maker (Stoke Factor: 22 )

Member Details Session Description
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3109

24th April 2024
Hiking - Walking: Around Felixstowe
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny periods, chilly with showers
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 3.11 miles (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Wednesday 24th April - walk *** – Around Felixstowe – sunny periods and chilly with some light rain .

With our van in the garage we could not go far so definitely no windsurfing but not missing much as its pretty chilly! I was surprised to at least start my exercises I the sunny back garden but had to move indoors when the showers arrived, Mag was particularly annoyed as she had washing on the line but she was happy in the garden as she was using her much loved hedge cutter again! Despite the passing showers I decided to pack another picnic lunch and we set off down to Felixstowe seafront, this time turning right we headed to The Manor. As usual we did a detour around the pier and ambled to the end of the prom, with the wind offshore the sea was flat but there was some cool waves rolling in with several ships/boats out to sea! We tucked I behind the wall at the end of the prom for lunch and watch the waves roll in just as the sky went black and we had a few spots of rain, luckily it did not amount to much:) Then the sun came out and it was pleasantly warm, a real joy to be out sitting by the sea, just love it! Well rested to head back behind the beach huts before heading inland to Langer Park, spotting a bunny and home for a welcome hot water bottle and cuppa:)

PS - was well shocked to get chosen as an Editors Pick on the BBC since my last was on 11th March, sadly it did not make it onto the TV:(

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