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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19862
This Months Entries: 19
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Most Active Members:
squiz (12 entries)
maker (7 entries)
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squiz (Stoke Factor: 40 )
maker (Stoke Factor: 22 )

Member Details Session Description
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3109

27th April 2024
Hiking - Walking: Knowle Park, Cranleigh
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: rainy then sunny periods
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 3 miles (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Sunday 28th April - walk **** – Knowle Park, Cranleigh – rainy start then sunny periods.

Our first night sleeping in our little VW camper here at Sayers Croft in Surrey and boy did it rain, all night, we just felt so sorry for all the youngsters camping in the field nearby doing a Duke of Edinburgh award practice! Then over to have breakfast with Rob, Hannah and Arlo before we did a couple of jig saw puzzles with Arlo before heading over to a hut to do archery, that was great fun too, Arlo had fun shooting his arrows into the ceiling! Home for lunch before driving the short distance to Cranleigh where Hannah to look after her D of E kids leaving me, Mag, Rob and Arlo on his bike to walk to the new Knowle Park, 60 acres of park with a lake and a fantastic adventure playground. We did get a little lost but found it in the end and soon reached the lake and were surprised to see both swifts and house martins flying low over the water. Mag was not feeling great so sat by the lake with Rob while I headed to the amazing playground with Arlo and had a wonderful time. We were joined by Rob and Mag who was not well we think an unset tummy due to ibuprofen :( Arlo enjoyed an ice cream and meet a couple of friends from school and really enjoyed himself as did I whizzing about playing hide and seek, it certainly played havoc with my knees! Then home for tea, after another great day!

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Knowle Park Cranleigh

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