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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19859
This Months Entries: 16
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squiz (11 entries)
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maker (Stoke Factor: 16 )

Member Details Session Description
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3108

2nd June 2024
Hiking - Walking: Levington
Wind Direction:
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Surf / Sea State:
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Weather: sunny periods
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Sunday 2nd June - walk *** – Levington circuit including a picnic near the church – sunny periods.

The house is very quiet with all our family visitors now gone, but at least the cat Benny and Rue can relax as they hate people in the house! Another reasonable day with some more sunshine allowing me to do my exercises in the back garden and Mag was non-stop working in the garden, I don’t know where she gets all her energy from! I then but together our new radiator cover together to cover up a rusty radiator and we were very pleased. I then packed a picnic and we headed out to give the van a run to see if the garage had fixed our problem and fingers crossed it is running smoothly! We had our picnic at the bench near Levington church with great views down to the River Orwell with lots of boat action including loads of yachts, a couple of old barges and a rusty dredger heading to Felixstowe. It’s a lovely spot to have lunch surrounded by wild flowers, sadly no deer today but spotted a woodpecker, a buzzard, reed buntings, red shanks, egrets, shell ducks and loads of oyster catchers:) After lunch we ambled down to the long wooden walkway across the reed beds leading to the Orwell before returning back along Levington creek, up the hill and through the church and home:)

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