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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3109

6th June 2024
Hiking - Walking: Around Needham Market
Wind Direction:
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Surf / Sea State:
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Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny periods
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 3.83 miles (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Thursday 6th June - walk **** – Around Needham Market including a picnic at the lake – sunny periods.

We had a trip down memory lane today so after my exercises in the sunshine, I packed a picnic and we drove the 23 miles to Needham Market, parking at the lake at 11.30 having lived in this small town for 8 years but 38 years ago, boy were did all those years go!!! We were actually living in Needham when the lake was made and Mag and I have both windsurfed on it back in the 80’s and the lake has become very well established surrounded in large trees with the River Gipping running down one side. Having managed to park inn a lakeside spot we left the picnic in the van and walked over the footbridge and were surprised to see a very popular and crowded cafe where we meet Claire, Mag sister inn law and had a nice catch up chat:) We then followed the Gipping across a large area set aside to wildlife coming out by some old cottages we recognized and over a small footbridge where we spotted several large chub in the clear river below! We then continued along the river for a bit before turning right to do a loop back to the road bridge leading to the impressive Needham Mill. Then we headed even further out of Needham and had to take a very muddy section of path to the railway ine which we had to cross and ended up by the old Wimpey site which must be well over 40 years now and I did loads of guttering there when I first joined Specialised Fixing in another life! We then ambled back along Needham Market high street and we could not believe the amount of traffic passing through and had to wait ages to cross the road! We reminisced about several of the shops and restuarants we have used in the passed, the went down The Pightle to look at the flat we used to live in, a 400 year old flat in the roof which we absolutely loved but it definitely did not look the same with loads of new housing all around, a little depressing really! We then turned down to the Railway station and under the lines using a really low old cattle tunnel leading back to Needham Lake. We then had our yummy picnic, we started on a bench but a chill breeze was blowing into our face across the lake so we finished it in the van. We then took the back route back to Felixstowe as we are not keen on the A 14, we spotted some deer and hare at Levington and a group of artists painting the Orwell near Levington Church and home for a cuppa and biscuit, nice a have a walk a little further afield!

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