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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19862
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3109

24th June 2024
Hiking - Walking: Landguard circuit
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature: 20
Sea Temperature:
Weather: Sunny and hot :)
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Monday 24th June - walk ***** – Landguard circuit including a picnic – sunny and hot.

The heatwave continues with another hot sunny day with a light onshore breeze, I whizzed down to Felixstowe Ferry at 6.30 to take some pics to send to the TV weather. I was amazed to get a BBC Editers pick but as yet it hasn’t made it onto the telly although it has been used online by BBC radio in both Suffolk and Norfolk so that’s better than nothing, I am still waiting to get a pic on TV this month! The poppies at the cliff top car park continue to look great and I bumped into an old friend for a quick chat, she also sennds pics into the weather under the name of Jet! Then home for breakfast and to do my exercises in a pretty warm back garden while Mag gets up to allsorts including cleaning the front windows before the sun gets on them! As we needed a few things from Lidl Mag suggested we take our lunch to Landguard to sit by the Orwell which was a great idea as I had a message on Facebook saying that the research boat, The Sir David Attennburgh was leaving Harwich at 2! With our packed lunch, another yummy salad packed we arrive at The Manor at 1.15 and amble across the very quiet nature reserve which is still covered in wild flowers, the best we have ever seen and is well worth a visit! There are a few container ships at Felixstowe docks but no sign of BoatyMcBoatFace as we reach our picnic spot on the old pier, very pleasant with a nice breeze blowing with several yachts out too. Then around 2.40 we see movement and the Sir David turns the corner into the Orwell, slowly making its way past the container ships, A few people had come to watch with even more at the view point I thinks as there has been lots of pics on Facebook! It takes to around 3 for it to reach the open sea, then Mag and I walk back along the waters edge with a few people enjoying a peaceful afternoon on the beach. Back at the van and after a quick trip to Lidl we are home for a welcome cuppa and a reduced price cake from Tesco! Looks like its going to be even hotter tomorrow so we are hoping bike to the water ski jetty onn the Deben early for breakfast before it gets too hot!

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