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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3107

26th July 2024
Hiking - Walking: Melton to Woodbridge
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny and warm
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 5.38 miles (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Friday 26th July - walk ***** – Deben walk with Maeva including a picnic at Woodbridge – sunny periods warm.

After two full-on windsurfing sessions covering over 60 miles it was nice to have a day off, Friday is our day we often have our Granddaughter, the lovely Maeva and as the weather was nice we decided to pack a picnic and head over to Woodbridge. I had time to do my exercises first before picking Maeva up just after 10 and boy was she pleased to see us:) We were going to try to park near the riverside park in Woodbridge but thought it would be busy there so headed instead to the free car park at Melton near Wilford Bridge and parked there easily. It is then a short walk to the River Deben path coming out near Wilford Bridge with with the tide low there was several feeds feeding in the mud with the tide low. It was pretty warm as we set off towards Woodbridge passing loads of houseboats and old Navy boats, one which has been turned into a popular cafe. It was surprisingly quiet even when we reached Woodbridge Tide Mill where we went to see the replica Viking long boat being made going upstairs to see an amazing set of woolen artwork showing the Sutton Hoe through the ages with some super friendly staff, Mag and Maeva even got to go up in a glass lift:) There was also a group of fantastic sculptures of the human form made by the same artist that did the people in a boat actually in the Deben. I go along the slopping sea wall to get some pics of the metal people now sitting in the mud with the tide still low, Maeva although sleepy had stayed awake as we turned inland, over the level crossing, past the tennis court and play park and found a lovely spot under a tree away from people to enjoy a lovely picnic, Maeva loved it to eating all her lunch. Well rested she then held Mags hand as we all walked over to the adventure playground, Maeva loved the swing, see saw and climbing frame with a slide. She was not overly happy to be put back in her buggy but she was soon asleep as we slowly made our way back. We had some excitement when we stopped to watch a yacht being craned out of the water, Maeva woke to see it as well and enjoyed her cake:) Back at the van pretty knackered after walking over 5 miles we dropped Maeva off and then home to sort out my pics, over 90! What a top day was had by all:)

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