
Member#: 6644 Location: Registered: 27-05-2007 Diary Entries: 3128
6th December 2024
Hiking - Walking: Felixstowe and Helmingham Wind Direction: Wind Stength: easing down Surf / Sea State: Air Temperature: Sea Temperature: Weather: sunny morning, cloudy afternoon with rain Max Speed: Distance Covered: 3 miles (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
Friday 6th December - walks *** – Felixstowe and Helmingham deer
park – sunny morning then cloudy.
Walk 1 – Felixstowe sunrise prom.
A breezy night with winds in excess of 30 knots but easing down all day and
offshore so the sea was really flat so no waves today:( Woke to clear sky's
so I headed down to Felixstowe seafront at 7.30 to catch the sunrise even
through it would be nothing special as you need some clouds to add some
colour. I had pleasant hour watching the sun come up near the pier,
spending ages waiting for cyclists and joggers pass so I could take their
pics, sad I know. A few cold water dippers went in for a few seconds, they
actually spend way more time talking about it and taking pictures of
themselves:) I had thought of windsurfing today as Storm Darragh arrives
over the weekend with 50 mph winds and rain so not much chance of sailing
then but we had to go to Ipswich today and the wind was off, the wind
dropping and the tide not ideal for Levington so didn’t miss much, also
my plantor fasciitis is playing up so will have to wait a little longer for
a decent windsurf in December!
Walk 2 – Helmingham Deer Park.
Back home I had time to do my exercises while Mag actually made the picnic
today before leaving Felixstowe at 11.30, having sorted out some keys at my
sisters in Westerfield we realized we were only 7 miles from Helmingham so
continued there for a walk in the deer park:) The mornings sunshine had
long gone by the time we park at St. Mary's church in Helmingham at 12.30
and the wind had gone pretty light making it OK for a walk. The footpath
runs past the church and into the park with the Hall over to our left with
loads of lights for the Christmas illuminations which start after dark and
is hugely expensive! Through the car-park to the large gate which leads
into the park and soon spot a herd of fallow deer which nervously watch us,
then a little further a big herd of red deer with young males still rucking
and we stop to watch, walking is slow going for me sadly with my heel
playing up but we continue around the the obielisk where we stop for lunch
with loads of deer behind us:) Its then a walk past the hall and out onto
the road which is a little dodgy as the cars and lorries whizz past! We are
pleased to reach the van after walking 3 miles, I drive back to the main
road before Mag takes over and I quickly doze off! So a really good day
despite the painful heel.
No weather pics today despite some good sunrise and deer pics, never mind
as I have had a good week but was pleased that we are on the cover of the
excellent Felixstowe Town Council Magazine:)
Photo Album here
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