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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19859
This Months Entries: 16
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squiz (11 entries)
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3108

30th December 2024
Hiking - Walking: Around Felixstowe
Wind Direction:
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Weather: sunny but chilly
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Distance Covered:

Monday 30th December - walk ***** – Around Felixstowe – sunny and cold.

Sunday 29th Dec. – walk **** - Around Felixstowe – cloudy.

The gloom continues, after a morning opening present both Christmas and Birthday as its our son Birthday today I walk down to the beach at the end of our road with Arlos new fosscle hunting kit to bash a few stones, unfortunily Felixstowe beach is covered in flints so not ideal for finding an aminate but we had fun none the less:) Then home for a family tea with both sons and Grandchildren plus my sister and Auntie Diane, it was really good too!


At last the sunshine returns but still very chilly, I spent the morning building a huge Brio train track around all the bedrooms then we had arranged to meet up with a couple of young ladies we childminded from babies who are now both over 20 plus both the grandchildren so we could treat them to a meal out, well chips on the pier, we know how to live:) Due to the good weather it was pretty busy so we watched loads of kids on the beach and after the chips we joined them as both Arlo and Maeva it love it there! After a great time on the beach we walked to the Spa theatre and back through the gardens and home and little Maeva walked all the way, amazing while I pushed a 7 year old Arlo in the buggy having loads of fun whizzing up and down the ramps to the prom, he loved it. Then home to play uno like the old days, it was brilliant, what a top day:)

PS - I nearly forgot, Rob and Dan head to Portman Road to see Ipswich beat Chelsea 2 - 0 their first win at home this year:)

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