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February so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19887
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3126

20th January 2025
Hiking - Walking: Around Felixstowe and Levington
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength: light airs
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature: 4
Sea Temperature:
Weather: Cloudy, cold with light winds.
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 4.50 miles (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Monday 20th January - walks *** – Around Felixstowe and Levington – cloudy, light winds and cold.

Walk 1 – Around the shingle bank at Felixstowe Ferry.

After Saturdays really low tide where you could walk round to a little shingle island that has formed near the beach just up from The Dip in Felixstowe I was keen to walk out there so with low water today around 9.20 I drove down at nine in yet another gloomy, cold day but at least the wind was very light! I set off along the prom and quickly realized I was not going to make it out to the island as the tide was not as low today, I should have put my wellies on and I would have made it! Still never mind as it is always lovely to walk round this huge shingle bank, as I made my way to the River Deben entrance I noticed someone out sailing in an old wooden dinghy so I stopped to watch and take several pics, he looked to be having loads of fun:) Then back to the van and home for breakfast and sort out my pics.

Walk 2 - Levington circuit.

After a late breakfast we were in no hurry to get out so I did my exercises and Mag made today's picnic before setting off to Levington Church at 1.45, Trimley High Street in closed for awhile so we had to go the A 14 way. We then had our picnic lunch on the bench near St Peter’s with lovely views down to the River Orwell but it was a tad on the chilly side, we even passed on today's cuppa from the flask to get the walk out of the way as the grey cold gloom was not very inviting! It was down to the wooden walkway through the reed beds with no deer in sight but several flocks of waders and ducks. The tide was fairly high as we returned along Levington Creek and sharp eyed Mag spotted some deer feeding on the far bank which made our day, then she even surprised herself when she saw a Barn owl sitting on a triangular owl box but it sadly nipped inside so we couldn’t see it closer:( Then up the hill and we were pleased to get back to the van to get out of the cold! Then home to light the fire, make a hot water bottle and have a warming cuppa, hopefully we will get some sunshine tomorrow fingers crossed.

It had been weeks of no suitable wind for windsurfing and I was thinking I might not get out on the board this month but a big low is coming for the end of the week but looking wet and maybe too windy so will have to wait and see?

I then got a lovely surprise when a copy of The Felixstowe Magazine was posted through our door and I was pleased to find out that they had picked one of my pics as 2025 Photo of the Year, well chuffed:)

Photo Album here

The Felixstowe Magazine

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